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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Yummy Cereal

We've recently tried giving Olive some rice cereal.  The very first time she wasn't so sure about it.  Then as she got more used to it she got mad because I wasn't moving fast enough!  She is very intrigued with the spoon.  I had to hold her arms down so I could get the spoon to her mouth.  I don't know where the bigger mess was....on Olive or me!

Monday, August 23, 2010

One Armed Daddy

Mike had shoulder surgery last week.  He's doing good but is under doctor's orders to not lift anything heavier than a fork.  So Olive only gets a little lap time.  You should hear the conversations they have!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bouncing Around

My car has been in the shop...again.  So we have been having a really good time figuring out how to get to work and daycare with just one car.  I am not very fond of Mike's Jeep but he loves it and so does Olive.  It is the bumpiest thing I have ever ridden in.  I think that is why she likes it so much.  As soon as we get in there she is fast asleep.

Tummy Time

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

More Beach Pics

Since I was sick for the first half of our beach vacation and without a camera for the second half of it, I snagged some pictures from my Mom and Dad's cameras.  Thanks!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Rubber Ducky You're the One...

Olive's favorite bath time toy!

Picture This

I wish I had a picture of this.  You will just have to imagine.  Mike had to bring something to me at work one Saturday morning.  He walked in with carrying Olive in the carseat and my Vera Bradley diaper bag on his shoulder.  Cutest Thing Ever!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Carolina Beach

Last week we went on a family vacation.  Olive went to the beach for the first time!  It was a bit of a rough week but we did get a couple of days of beach relaxing.

Here is a summary of the rough parts:
  • We left late because my key wouldn't work in my car, had to have it towed, thankfully Christopher and Katherine let us drive their car to the beach.  Thanks ya'll!
  • When we got there I got really sick...fever, sore throat, stomach yuckiness.
  • Mike dropped my camera in the pool.
But on to the good stuff.

We got to spend lots of time with family.

Olive seemed to really like the ocean air.  She took a good nap under the cabana on the sand.

 Cruising on the Boardwalk

Chilling in the pool (right before the camera fell in)