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Thursday, April 29, 2010

MS Walk 2010

The Bagley Bunch participated in the MS Walk for the third time this year.  We had a lot of fun and did a lot of fundraising!  So far our fundraising total is $2500!

We started out the day putting up and decorating The Bagley Bunch tent.  Our theme this year was "A-Corny Bunch of Bagleys Walking for MS". We won the Best T-Shirt award for the third year in a row!

After that was all set up we had a team picture and then we were ready for a 3 mile walk. 

Olive slept through most of the walk...and she looked really cute doing it!

Katherine started out with flip flops but by mile three she was walking barefoot!

Olive and I after the walk.

We had a lot of fun during the walk.  It is always amazing to see so many people coming together for the same reason...helping to find a cure for MS.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Creepy Mobile

At 5:00 am this morning the house was so quiet.  Everyone was sleeping.  I was startled awake by the sound of Olive's mobile.  It just started playing by itself.  And it played for a couple of minutes.  It was so very creepy! Hopefully this will never happen scared me half to death.

Can't Get Much Cuter!

These are some of my favorite pictures.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Did I Forget How to Drive a Car?

After having a c-section I wasn't supposed to drive for two weeks. So whenever we had to go somewhere Mike drove. After those two weeks were up I decided Olive and I would go to Target by ourselves. I was a little nervous. But we got in the car, just the two of us. I pull into a parking spot at Target all ready to do a little shopping. I put the car in park and go to turn the car off...and the key is stuck. My car won't turn off. I start to wonder if I have really forgotten how to drive. What was I doing wrong? I decide maybe I should drive around the parking lot and try again. No luck. I call Mike and he has no idea what is wrong. Then I call my mom and this time there are some tears flowing. They don't know what to do either. I drive to Lowes to let Mike look at it. Olive is being so good the whole time. Mike does a few things but nothing works. It is a Saturday at 5:00 and the next day is Easter Sunday. We can't find any car place that can help us out. Mike follows me home and I get on the internet to try to figure out how to turn my car off. After Mike has taken the whole steering column off he finally finds a wire the turns the car off. But the key is still stuck! On Monday we take it to the car dealership and find out it needs a new ignition system. Four days later we get our car back. I don't know what is worse, your car not starting or your car not turning off!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ace Meets Olive

Ace is a good dog. He loves to give Olive kisses and Olive doesn't mind getting licked. This video is from when we first got home.

Yellow Baby

Olive started to get a little jaundiced before we left the hospital.  We ended up staying an extra day so she could have some Photo Therapy.  She didn't really like it.  She had to wear a mask over her eyes and stay under UV lights for 24 hours. 

Daddy and Olive trying to soak up some sun from the window to help the jaundice.

The yellow is gone except for where she wore the mask over her eyes.

All better!!

Eat, Walk, Urinate...Doctor's Orders!

The day after Olive was born, "Eat, Walk, Urinate" was written on the white board in my room.  These were my orders for the day.  It had been almost 3 days since I had done any of these and it was a lot harder than you would think.  Especially the walking part!  I did accomplish all three that day...and that white board made everyone laugh who came to visit:)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Olive Grae...The Cutest Baby Ever I'm a little biased! 

Olive was born on March 18, 2010 at 1:52 pm.  She weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long.

Olive wasn't quite ready to greet the world but Mommy's blood pressure had other plans.  I went to the doctor for my 38 week check up.  And of course my blood pressure was high.  I'd been dealing with this for most of the pregnancy.  At first it was just white coat syndrome (doctors make me nervous), but then it kept getting higher.  So when I went to the doctor that Tuesday it was 150/111.  Yikes!  The doctor told us to go to the hospital so they could make sure the baby was ok.  Mike and I went home to get my bag just in case and then made our way to the hospital.  And it was a good thing we got the bag because we didn't come home until the following Monday.

There was magnesium, then pitocin, then a break, then pitocin again, and finally two days later a c-section and a beautiful baby girl.  I'll spare you all the gory details but I have to say the "mag drag" was no fun.  Thank goodness I have a sweet little baby girl to look at everyday and remind me it was all totally worth it.

Where to begin??

I've had a pretty blog page for over a month now with no posts.  I keep opening it and looking at it but have no idea what to write.  So here is my first attempt.  I doubt my blog will be as cool as my sister-in-law's, The Bagley Circus, but I will try!